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  • Writer's pictureDr. Mangaleswari A/P K Subramaniam

Hari Raya is around the corner!!

FAMA, 18 April 2023 - The upcoming Hari Raya Aidil Fitri celebration is just around the corner, and as Malaysians prepare to celebrate this joyous occasion with their loved ones, concerns over the availability of vegetables are starting to surface. However, rest assured that the vegetables supply and demand are still stable, and Malaysians can look forward to a bountiful harvest this Raya.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security of Malaysia, the vegetable supply is still adequate, and there are no signs of any shortage. Malaysia is a country blessed with fertile land and a tropical climate, which makes it an ideal environment for growing vegetables. The government has also taken measures to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of vegetables in the market. This includes initiatives from Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (FAMA) to facilitate the distribution of fresh produce from farms to consumers during this raya season, by conducting ‘Jualan Khas Syawal Madani’.

Additionally, it is said that there is a consistent supply of vegetables on the market. In terms of demand, there is no cause for concern either. While there may be a surge in demand for vegetables during the festive season, the supply is expected to meet the demand.

Moreover, the pandemic has also led to a shift in consumer behavior, with more people opting to cook at home rather than eat out. This has resulted in an increase in demand for vegetables, which has further boosted the vegetable industry. As a result, many farmers are seeing an increase in sales, which is a positive sign for the industry as a whole.

As to ensure that the people are not burdened, The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) has announced that the price controls for selected commodities. The price controls cover selected vegetables, fruits, egg, chicken and spices that are commonly used during the festive season.

The government has set the maximum prices for these items based on their current market prices, and the prices will be monitored closely to prevent traders from overcharging consumers. The authorities will also conduct spot checks and take action against those who violate the price controls.

In conclusion, Malaysians can rest assured that the vegetable supply and demand are still stable for the coming Raya. The government and farmers have taken measures to ensure that there is an adequate supply of vegetables in the market, and there are no signs of any shortages. So go ahead and plan your Raya meals with confidence, knowing that there will be an abundance of fresh vegetables available for your enjoyment. Happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

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